Your Guide to Roulette Etiquette

Roulette is a popular casino game among amateur and professional players alike. Hence, you might find that most casino-goers crowd by the roulette table. Like any other game that requires your and other people's physical presence, there will always be social interaction that is taking place. Therefore, as you speculate the roulette game beside the table, know that you should follow what we call the roulette etiquette.

Of course, since there are other people around the table, the basic part of the roulette etiquette is to observe social courtesy. By this we mean that you should be sensitive about the enjoyment of other people. No one would want to watch the roulette game with somebody else screaming at their ear. Be careful about literally stepping on other people's toes. In other words, the roulette etiquette requires you to not get too caught up with your own excitement.

The other main rule in roulette etiquette is to avail of the special, color-coded chips. Each player participating on the roulette table has his or her own chips, which should not be mingled with everyone else's. You are given your own chips simply because it might be mistaken as other players'. Therefore, if your friends or family have their own chips, mixing them together to form a bet is not allowed. This is why you should also be financially prepared, because you are on your own when you are betting your money on the roulette table.

Roulette etiquette also requires you to listen to the dealer. As you bet, you have about one minute to place your chips on the roulette table. As soon as the dealer says, "No more bets," then do not insist to bet the chips and keep your hands off of them.

When the dealer spins the roulette wheel and the ball stops into a slot, the dealer puts a marker beside it. This is so he or can pay the bets to the winning players. Never, ever touch the chips between the spin and payout time. You might be accused of cheating and be removed not only form the game, but probably form the casino.

Another requirement for roulette etiquette is your treatment towards the dealer. After the he or she has served your bets throughout the game, you might be left with a choice whether or not to tip the dealer. Tips might be expected from you if you are on a winning streak. You might also want to give something extra when the dealer takes time to explain a few things, or even reach out to your chips when you can't reach them. Keep in mind that it's the casino that earns big, not the dealers - they just get meager salary like an average employee.

Etiquette is something that people value whenever they are facing other social creatures. With roulette etiquette, you are sure not to offend other people by being sensitive towards their needs. All it takes is a little common courtesy paired with a little bit of knowledge about the game. With that, you are allowing yourself and other people to take pleasure beside the roulette table.






